In the week that I haven't been spending in Japan, I've done small retweekings of the website, started compiling the data on a campus accidents project, done Internet research for a photo story, baked a pie for Pi Day and read all the strips of my girlfriend's favorite web comic, Questionable Content. (She insists there are parallels with her life and with mine. ...There are some.) None of this required much in the way of getting out of the house, so over the last six days I've seen very little of the Great Outdoors that I can't see from my window.
That changed today. Two journalist friends (Bailey Loosemore and Jake New) and I drove to a small waterfall near Harrodsburg, about 15 minutes outside of Bloomington. On the way, we skipped rocks, walked across logs, did some climbing and found an old haunted house.
Alex Farris
Alex Farris
Alex Farris
Alex Farris
Alex Farris
Alex Farris
Alex Farris
Alex Farris
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