True People enjoy a night at Saddle Up Saloon & Dancehall in Castleton, Friday, May 31, 2013. Alex Farris
A night at Saddle Up | Alex Farris Photo Blog
Alex T Farris
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Oh, hey. Just another party crasher photo gallery for the Star last night, this time at a place I went in January, Saddle Up Saloon & Dancehall. From the looks of it, it's the most successful of the new bars that popped up in Castleton recently, so it seems this time it earned a photo gallery of its own, which you can see here.

Depending on how fast things go, and they should go fast, I could have another entry up today (I know! Whoa!). I got a call from the Star yesterday to shoot the girls' state lacrosse championship today at 4:30 at Brebeuf Jesuit Preparatory School. I shot lacrosse one time at IU, before I got any good at taking photos, so I can't wait to see what I can get. Assuming it doesn't get rained out.

Flip the light switch
People enjoy a night at Saddle Up Saloon & Dancehall in Castleton, Friday, May 31, 2013. People enjoy a night at Saddle Up Saloon & Dancehall in Castleton, Friday, May 31, 2013. Alex Farris
Alex Farris
Alex Farris
Alex Farris
Alex Farris
Alex Farris

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