Last night, for the first time in years, I went to the Indiana State Fair. The last time I went, I filled in for good photo friend
Ryan Dorgan as an assistant on a
National Geographic photo story by Vince Musi on animal domestication. This time, I went to take my own photos for the
Star of the Hoosier Music Night at the Fair. The full gallery appears
here, and I hope the photos express how intense the music and the passion of the band were. Jennie DeVoe, the opener, was nice and settling, but The Reverend Peyton's Big Damn Band played the most intense form of bluegrass I've ever heard. To give you an idea of their kind of music, my aunt discovered them when they opened for ZZ Top. That's a big deal for a band from Brown County, Indiana.
In between concerts, I got a giant breaded tenderloin sandwich, as is my duty as a Hoosier. The tenderloin was as flat as a pancake, but it did have about a nine-inch diameter, earning the adjective "giant" in that limited fashion. Much more importantly, it tasted good.
(I didn't get any exciting food this time, like deep-fried Reese's or chocolate-covered bacon or the Largest Ear Of Corn That Agriculture Can Grow slathered in butter. I got my fill last time when I got a doughnut burger. Two glazed doughnuts acted as buns around a thick burger topped with cheese, lettuce, onion, and mayo. It tasted great, but it made me want to both run a marathon to counteract the calories and lie down on a couch for the rest of the day. I was very conflicted.)
Remember when I said I might do pre-med? Well, as of this week, that is now a Thing. On Monday, I start pre-med classes in biology, chemistry, physics, and psychology, while still taking Star assignments when I can. The about section still applies to me as-is; I've just added more goals to my life! ...I s'pose I should still update that blurb.
Flip the light switch
Rafaey Ali, Lucas Krier and Caleb White cheer as The Reverend Peyton's Big Damn Band begins their set on Hoosier Night on the Marsh Free Stage at the Indiana State Fair, Friday, August 16, 2013.
Alex Farris
Breezy Peyton, The Rev. J. Peyton's wife, plays the washboard during The Reverend Peyton's Big Damn Band's performance on Hoosier Night on the Marsh Free Stage at the Indiana State Fair, Friday, August 16, 2013.
Alex Farris
The Reverend Peyton's Big Damn Band drummer Ben Bussell and The Rev. J. Peyton perform during Hoosier Night on the Marsh Free Stage at the Indiana State Fair, Friday, August 16, 2013.
Alex Farris
The Rev. J. Peyton performs during Hoosier Night on the Marsh Free Stage at the Indiana State Fair, Friday, August 16, 2013.
Alex Farris
Kenan Rainwater twirls his daughter Eleanor after she walked up his chest in a dance routine during Jennie DeVoe's performance on Hoosier Night on the Marsh Free Stage at the Indiana State Fair, Friday, August 16, 2013.
Alex Farris
Breezy Peyton, The Rev. J. Peyton's wife, performs on the washboard during Hoosier Night on the Marsh Free Stage at the Indiana State Fair, Friday, August 16, 2013.
Alex Farris
Ben Bussell, drummer for The Reverend Peyton's Big Damn Band, performs during Hoosier Night on the Marsh Free Stage at the Indiana State Fair, Friday, August 16, 2013.
Alex Farris

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