or This entry is finally posted!
If you don't recall seeing this post on April 24, that's because nobody saw it. When I uploaded it the first time, some of the photos didn't show up, and there was just a blank 770x511 space where each one should have been. This included the main photo, so I resolved to get things straightened out before the Little 500. I didn't, and then finals came along, so there was, um, a delay. But it's here now, on May 12th! Enjoy, finally!
There was snow one day last week (snow! can you believe it?!), so I was quite pleased to see none of it last weekend. I was even more pleased with all the trappings, normal and unorthodox, of spring: bright midday light, dogs sniffing for Easter eggs, the usual 4/20 celebration through music, and (a first for me) stealth proposal photos. Also, I finally feel comfortable wearing shorts every day, and every year, I feel like the first day of braving an unexpectedly strong and cold wind with bare shins should be a holiday. I'm a fan of the first days of spring.
Tune in next week for photos from another hallowed marking of the time of blooming flowers and outdoor exercise: the Little 500! Just like two years ago, I'll be covering it for the Star and reliving the good days of the Indiana Daily Student. I wonder how different it's gonna feel, now that I'm three years removed from my senior year and going for medicine instead of journalism. I'm sure there will still be a rush.
Photo gallery links: Easter "Begg" Hunt (with three color photos in the dead-tree edition!) and Cosby Sweater album release party (part of IndyMojo's 4/20 celebration; this got posted twice).
Flip the light switch
Alex Farris
Alex Farris
Alex Farris
Shannon Owens and Emberli Stewart try to get Mocha, an Australian shepherd and lab mix, to sniff out an egg during Three Dogs Bakery's annual Easter "Begg" Hunt at Hamilton Town Centre in Noblesville, Saturday, April 19, 2014. Dogs could eat treats hidden inside the eggs if either their nose or the nose of their human touched the egg.
Alex Farris
Lola, a Bichon/poddle mix, finds an egg with the help of Noah McCullum, 6, during Three Dogs Bakery's annual Easter "Begg" Hunt at Hamilton Town Centre in Noblesville, Saturday, April 19, 2014. Dogs could eat treats hidden inside the eggs if either their nose or the nose of their human touched the egg.
Alex Farris
Kathleen Jeffers holds onto Cindee Lee, a golden retriever sporting Easter bunny ears, during Three Dogs Bakery's annual Easter "Begg" Hunt at Hamilton Town Centre in Noblesville, Saturday, April 19, 2014. Dogs could eat treats hidden inside the eggs if either their nose or the nose of their human touched the egg.
Alex Farris
Shy Guy Says performs during Cosby Sweater's album release party for the band's new EP, "Party Dad," at The Vogue in Broad Ripple, Saturday, April 19, 2014.
Alex Farris
IndyMojo and local band Cosby Sweater threw an album release party for the band's new EP, "Party Dad," at The Vogue in Broad Ripple, Saturday, April 19, 2014. Freddie Bunz & Friends and Shy Guy Says also performed.
Alex Farris
IndyMojo and local band Cosby Sweater threw an album release party for the band's new EP, "Party Dad," at The Vogue in Broad Ripple, Saturday, April 19, 2014. Freddie Bunz & Friends and Shy Guy Says also performed.
Alex Farris
IndyMojo and local band Cosby Sweater threw an album release party for the band's new EP, "Party Dad," at The Vogue in Broad Ripple, Saturday, April 19, 2014. Freddie Bunz & Friends and Shy Guy Says also performed.
Alex Farris
IndyMojo and local band Cosby Sweater threw an album release party for the band's new EP, "Party Dad," at The Vogue in Broad Ripple, Saturday, April 19, 2014. Freddie Bunz & Friends and Shy Guy Says also performed.
Alex Farris
IndyMojo and local band Cosby Sweater threw an album release party for the band's new EP, "Party Dad," at The Vogue in Broad Ripple, Saturday, April 19, 2014. Freddie Bunz & Friends and Shy Guy Says also performed.
Alex Farris
IndyMojo and local band Cosby Sweater threw an album release party for the band's new EP, "Party Dad," at The Vogue in Broad Ripple, Sunday, April 20, 2014. Freddie Bunz & Friends and Shy Guy Says also performed.
Alex Farris

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